1997 LIGHTBOX I. H 104 x W 156 x D 19 cm. X-rays, acrylic, steel, aluminium and fluorecent light. Photo by Lars Gustafsson. Private Collection.
Solo Exhibition ULF ROLLOF at Galerie Nordenhake in Stockholm, Sweden.
Special Thanks to Ola Marklund and Johan Svensson.
1996 B O C PAINTING. Each panel H 64 x W 52 x D 5 cm. Board, tempera, pigments and wood. Photo by Lars Gustafsson.
1996 EGG TRACK. Dimensions variable. Plaster, steel and eggs. Collection KIASMA.
1996 K U C K E L I K U PAINTING. Each panel H 64 x W 52 x D 5 cm. Board, tempera, pigments and wood. Photo by Lars Gustafsson. Private Collection.
1997 EGG DOG. Appr.300 x 500 x 250 cm.B/W Print, aluminium,plastics, steel,pneumatics and eggs. Photo by Lars Gustafsson.
1996 EGGDOC PAINTING. H 64 x W 52 x D 5 cm. Gold, tempera, pigment, gesso, masonite and wood. Photo by Lars Gustafsson.
1996 COCK MACHINE. H 219 x W 122 x D 50 cm. Plywood, motor and steel. Photo by Leif Claesson. Private Collection.
1996 SPIRAL MACHINE. H 219 x W 122 x D 50 cm. Plywood, motor and steel. Photo by Leif Claesson. Private Collection.
1997.02.16. LIGHTBOX I. H 104 x W 156 x D 19 cm. X-rays, acrylic, steel, aluminium and fluorecent light. Photo by Lars Gustafsson. Private Collection.